Saturday, November 17, 2007

sesuatu yang tertangguh dan akan tetap tertangguh...

"kasih maafkan aku..tiada inginku melukaimu, dan kini kau tinggalkan aku.."antara sebaris ayat dalam lagu dygta, minggu nie banyak buat aku teringat kenangan lepas, mungkin sebab aku melewati tempat-empat yang buat aku tringat balik kenangan yang lepas,salah satu tempat..tempat aku blaja dulu, kampus puncak perdana, fist place i met her, ble teringat balik, buat aku..yelah,tersenyum sorg2, kat situlah lah aku jumpe orang yang paling istimewa buat aku dulu,we were on the same faculty and she was my senior, altought we're on the place, i never met her, until one day aku jumpa dia masa aku handle senamrobik ntuk kolej,at the first side, aku jatuh cinta pandang pertama buat pertama kali dalam hidup aku, orang kata dari mata ke jatuh ke hati, well, love can be anything, sejak dari tue aku teramat-amat excited tiap kali kene turun utk tgk2 budak nie buat rehearsal, pd masa tue, she d one's of d instructor, so everytime dia akan ada, our first meet was during our semester break at night, aku tringat lagi mcmane buat pertama kali aku ajak die kluar using lame trick, sms-ing her buat2 tanye sesuatu. start from that we always hang out, to be frank masa tue aku dah ada gf, yeap, mmg agak jahat bile pikir balik, flirty thingy is the most hatred by a woman, tp masa itu aku tak tatau nk buat ape, konfius antara gf dan d ones which i really fall on love at d first sight, at that time, i make a decision to be with the one's i fall in love with, alhamdulillah, our relation working fine dat time, we share everything we had, everything we make, i used to be diffent person from d past, it doesnt matter for me as long as im be with her all the time, lagu adam sandler "i wanna grow old with you" was my inspiration.hehe. sound stupid, but thats it is, im pretty sure if you were on the same situation,you guys just like me...aku ingat lagi, she was requesting me to play song "truly" during our wedding, but to bad, i never had a chance to play that song, we were break-up after a few years, i just can play d song to her during our crisis,and now its beens 9 months i guess we're separated, now we never contact each others, the truth is i really miss her a lot, i thought she was my first and she was my last, but this is the faith which i dunt have opportunity to take care of her, to love her as much as i promise to her before, but its good for us, she can choose her mr. right, maybe God want to show to me that she not for me kot,. but, hari demi hari, she always keep refreshing in my mind,ape yang aku boleh buat sekarang just doakan die selalu sihat dengan ape die buat sekarang, dan aku nikmati dan hargai ape yang ade di sekeliling aku sekarang, kawan-kawan aku. They were my inspiration now and guys, just my 2 cents, if u are fall in love with somebody right now or already in relationship, take care of urs,dun ever break their heart, once u brake it, hard to get forgiveness, life is once, same like love, its not like u playing a video game, once u 'game over', u can try it again anda again until you win and satisfy, do appriciate wut u have it right now.

rockafellas mengarut pukul 5 pagi atas katil, kat rumah merah die, ditemani ipod dan lava lamp(sumber inspirasi)

*actually bende ni aku dah tulis lame dah dalam laptop aku, mase dan tempat tak mengizinkan aku ntuk upload sume nie....


emme~ said...

yeah u're rite mr arm...
love at da 1st site...
kenkadang wat kiter rase cam dunie nh kiter punyer!
kite lupe pade member2...

we do felt dat he/she was meant for us...

but in da end...
when he/she left us..
wat do we get?!

kawan jugak teman sejati!

*love = sucks

fynn jamal said...

ideologi cinta dah terlalu banya, semua bicara nasihat akan jadi cliche.

tapi percayalah, cinta itu ada.
naga itu ada melimpas di sini.

hanya yang bertuah akan melihatnya.
ingat tak?

rockafellaswrote said...

yea fynn, masih lagi berlegar2 dibenak kepala ni


jgn dilegarkan lagi dibenak..hanya naga itu yang tidak bertuah..dia sedar dan tak pernah berubah..